Pokemon perhaps became the most controversial entertainment product at this time. Game, film, doll, and his card the hard behaviour in the market in five last years. But later began to emerge the assumption that Pikachu and friends were the certain implement of the group's propaganda. How come could? This controversy emerged the first time when Los Angeles Times unloaded the article about the Saudi Arabia protest against all the Pokemon products, from game, the film, to the card. Pokemon was regarded as the Jewish conspiracy product and was forbidden to circulate in this country. What was the foundation of these charges? was found the picture of the star six that was the symbol zionisme at the same time the symbol of the Israeli country. Moreover, "Pikachu" words personally it seems meant "me was a Jew" in Japanese. But was not yet received by the comment from the Japanese embassy in Saudi Arabia about this last assumption. Or was among you that knew precisely the meaning these words? In the meantime "Pokemon" words personally it was suspected meant "the Lord was not available"," although Nintendo that the first time issued this product as hard as possible said that "pokemon" was the abbreviation from "pocket the sample". Pokemon also it was considered promoted the theory of the evolution, pushed gambling, that all of it that was compatible with the religious teaching.
Until this was not yet seen clear the response from the owner of Pokemon copyright and other related sides. That was clear, apart from Saudi Arabia, Malaysia also it was reported took the similar attitude. However, not all this was too excessive? The point of view anyone has been clearly different, and not to his place if one side forced him to the other side. Perhaps "pokemon" by his manufacturer really was meant as "pocket the sample", that by chance was liked by children and the adult, afterwards exploded and made the world be crazy about.
Now in Jordania, the leaflet anti Pokemon also spread almost all over the hands of the parents. His contents in part explained several meanings of words that were used in the Pokemon game. As Pokemon words personally, according to the leaflet came from the Suryaniya language, that meant "me was Jewish". There is still Pikachu words, that also came from the same language, meaning that "was Jewish true". Moreover, there were several words in this game that was significant the insult against Allah.
Although after being confirmed to several experts in the language, generally they refused the view that Pokemon words had relations with the Suryaniya language. Meaning that, the view that was included in the leaflet personally not necessarily was true him. But continue to several young men and nak-child Jordania carried out the mass burning action against things that contained the Pokemon picture. His problem indeed not only was related to meanings that not necessarily were true him that, the game pokemon evidently gave enough impacts of the negative in children's circle.
The Time magazine (on November 22 1999) in cover-story him mentioned: "POKEMON. For many kids it apostr s now an addiction: cards, the video games, toys, a movie." Is it bad for them? Poke-mania or madness would pokemon indeed produced addiction even addiction for children, this was ugly for them? And why this was discussed? Apparently that was ugly and was discussed was the content reality of the addiction, and this that will be discussed in the number of this paper.
Already many in met children brought these cards during to the school and to other places. Children were pushed to adhere to the strength supranatural than the strength from the Lord. Said also that even more cards that were brought will be increasingly big the strength that was received. Could not not we could conclude that pokemon became the idol in living they, became more important than the Lord.
The use of cards pokemon very potential opened the opportunity for the darkness power pressed children, at least, through the activities along with:
1. Attachments, realised and did not realise, to invisible matters available in recorders, the cassette, the book, the picture, the equipment, the game, et cetera.
2. Look for or gave big attention to the invisible strength and the mysticque statement.
3. Amazement to the invisible strength, the invisible statement, and matters of mystique in an general manner.
4. Avoided himself the reality, more relied dreamer.
5. Was interested and was enchanted to the violence, especially the violence that opposed law.
6. Meditation et cetera apart from knowing the Lord with true.
7. The worship or other matters that were linked with the worship of mystique.
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